COVID Policy & Guidelines
If you are sick or someone in your house is SICK, please stay home! A fever will be a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher as per the CDC. If you are staying home because you are sick, communicate this with your coach as soon as you are able.
Use common sense. Be SAFE, Be SMART, Practice SOCIAL DISTANCING. Bring a mask!
Arrive in your workout clothes and shoes. Shower AND wash your workout clothes IMMEDIATELY after every workout.
Bring your own water bottle(s) clearly labeled with your name for EVERY workout. NO WATER=NO PARTICIPATION.
Sanitize/wash your hands as you enter the field/facility and as you leave. Hand sanitizer will be provided as each workout station and at a designated location as you enter practice and games.
DO NOT SHARE clothing, equipment or water bottles! This is extremely important for everyone’s safety.
If you borrow a stick from Norlanco Stix, please use tape to label your name on the stick and DO NOT SHARE it with others.
Coaches/staff will be wearing masks. Athletes are not required to wear masks when they are working out, but must have one to put on in situations where social distancing isn’t possible.
When workouts/games are finished, you must leave the premises. There will be NO hanging out or lingering on the field or in the parking lot.
Parents are welcome to attend practices and games, but they must be masked and remain socially distanced.
No fans/parents will be permitted on the playing surface.