After submitting the form below you will be redirected to a page where you can make your payment via credit card or PayPal.
Rising Grades 2-4: $80
Rising Grades 5-7: $130
By submitting this form, I, the parent or guardian of the registering player, a minor, ask that he/she be admitted to participate in this Field Hockey Program sponsored by Hockey Stix staff. I do hereby agree to release, discharge and hold harmless Hockey Stix staff and /or any other program volunteers, from all causes, liabilities, damages, claims, or demands whatsoever on account of any injury or accident involving the said minor arising out of the minor’s attendance at this activity held in connection with “Hockey Stix League”.
I give my child/minor permission to participate in this program.
I certify that my child/minor is in good health and able to participate.
I grant permission for Hockey Stix to use photographs of my child/minor in public facing Hockey Stix materials.